Map of validation nodes - Solana Dashboard, validator list, transactions list, blocks and more information about Solana network.
"Meet the validators who power Solana. The tables below show each validator by name and include some recent statistics for each. See our FAQ for a description of the scores shown below."
Intro page for Solana validator node program. Links to Apply Form and List of working nodes.
Node must meet high performance req.
Start Building
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Run a Validator Node
Validate transactions, secure the network, and earn rewards.
Create an SPL Token
Launch your own SPL Token, Solana's equivalent of ERC-20.
Integrate an Exchange
Follow our extensive integration guide to ensure a seamless user experience.
Manage a Wallet
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Learn How Solana Works
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A Token program on the Solana blockchain.
This program defines a common implementation for Fungible and Non Fungible tokens.
You should be programmer :)
1,825Live transactions per second, $0.00025
Avg. cost per transaction, 975 Validator nodes. "Solana is the fastest blockchain in the world and the fastest growing ecosystem in crypto, with over 400 projects spanning DeFi, NFTs, Web3 and more." Developed with Rust Programming Language, great documenation, API and programmers support. Vaildators can run by anyone, but You must stake own capital and go through certification for efficiency. Experience of authors in Real Time systems can result in high transaction processing rate, but can we trust that this is really independent network of nodes if somebody must decide to join You node to it? Is this really cryptocurrency ecosystem or just technical framework?