Liquidity Pools Explained - How to control the price of your token

Good video about Liquidity Pools - how they work, how prices are calculated and all risk associated. Rug pull explained.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) related portal - curated DeFi Projects Directory, Defi Blog, DeFi Lending Rates, DeFi Borrowing Rates, DeFi Tokens List with price and volume and Upcoming events related to the DeFi ecosystem.

What is DeFi? The Ultimate DeFi 101 Guide to Ethereum, Layer 2s, Yield Farming, and More

Wide definition and theory of DeFi,long article."In short: DeFi is a global, open alternative to the current financial system. It differs through products and services built on open-source technology that anyone can use to borrow, save, invest, trade with and more. "

Etherum Guide to DeFi

Decentralized finance (DeFi) Topics: What's DeFi?, DeFi vs traditional finance,It started with Bitcoin,Programmable money What can you do with DeFi? How does DeFi work? Ethereum and DeFi, Build DeFi Further reading, (c)